where students teach themselves
A comprehensive geometry curriculum
Geometry for School and Home
For Students
How do you learn?
Everyone has his or her own learning style.
We do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate.
Many students learn best from examples.
Regular classroom instruction can move too quickly for some students and too slowly for others.
Students learn best when they control the learning experience.
If this makes sense to you, then you will appreciate how Geometry for School and Home can help you learn geometry.
It makes geometry easy to understand.
You work at your own pace.
The assignments and activities do not depend on outside help.
They do not depend on your previous knowledge of geometry.
They do not even depend on having a teacher to get you started.
If you like working independently or with a partner or small group, this is an ideal way to learn geometry.
I'm just beginning geometry and this is my first time at this website. How do I get started?
Try Assignment 1.1 in Unit 1. You will see two pages and an objective describing what you will learn. Download and print both pages. Write the answers to the questions and do the problems on the worksheets. Be sure to answer all the questions in order. Do not skip questions. Even if you make some mistakes, don't worry. When you finish, you should have a good understanding of the objective.
I need help with certain topics. How do I find what I am looking for?
Choose a unit and check out the assignments, objectives, and activities for that unit. Once you have found the assignment that meets your specific need, you simply download it, print, and get started. It's that simple. You do not have to have any previous knowledge - everything is included. If you are not sure if you already know the material, test your knowledge by trying the last problem in the assignment. If you can do that problem, then you can probably skip the assignment and go on to the next one.