where students teach themselves
A comprehensive geometry curriculum
Geometry for School and Home

Activity 3.8
Assignment 3.9
Assignment 8.8
Area of a Rhombus and Area of a Kite
Develop and apply a formula for areas of rhombuses and kites.
About Geometry Worksheet Assignment 8.8:
Assignment 8.8 is an introduction to areas of rhombuses and kites.
Prerequisite Skills: Identify rhombuses (Assignment 3.19). Identify the relationship of diagonals in rhombuses and kites (Assignment 4.18). Find areas of polygons by counting squares in their interiors (Assignment 8.1). Measure lengths to the nearest cm. (Assignment 1.11). Find area of triangles (Assignment 8.6).
Theorems: The diagonals of a rhombus or kite are perpendicular. The diagonals divide the rhombus or kite into triangles. The area is the sum of the areas
of the triangles.
The area of a rhombus or kite is one-half the product of the lengths of its diagonals.
The formula for the area of a rhombus or kite is: A = 2 (d1 + d2) (A is Area; d1 and d2 are the lengths of the diagonals)