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Geometry for School and Home

Activity 3A
Construction: Regular Polygons
Construct regular polygons with 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 sides.
About Geometry Worksheet Activity 3A:
Activity 3A is an introduction to construction of regular polygons.
Prerequisite Skill: Construct congruent line segments (Activity 1B).
How to construct a regular hexagon:
(Do problem 1 by following the steps below.)
1. Adjust the compass opening (between point and pencil) to 3 centimeters.
2. Place the compass at the given point. Draw a circle.
3. Mark a point anywhere on the circle. Label the point A.
4. Without changing the compass opening, place the compass point at A.
5. Draw an arc intersecting the circle. Mark a point on the intersection. Label the point B.
6. Using the same compass opening, place the compass point at B.
7. Draw another arc that intersects the circle. Mark a point on the intersection. Label the point C.
8. Repeat steps 4-7 until the circle is divided into 6 congruent arcs.
9. Use a straightedge. Draw line segments that connect each consecutive pair of points.
10. The polygon inside the circle is the regular hexagon.