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Free geometry worksheet to help students identify intersecting planes, and identify and name intersections of planes.
Free geometry worksheet to help students identify and name intersections of planes and intersections of lines and planes.
Assignment 1.5

Intersections with Planes

Identify intersecting planes.
Name and draw intersections of planes.
Name and draw intersections of lines and planes.

Assignment 1.6

Assignment 1.4

About Geometry Worksheet Assignment 1.5:       This assignment can be downloaded for free.


Assignment 1.5 is an introduction to intersecting planes, and intersecting lines and planes.


Prerequisite Skills: Name points, lines, and planes (Assignment 1.4). 


Definition:  Planes that have common points are intersecting planes.


Postulates:  The intersection of two planes is a line.

                           If a line intersects a plane and does not lie in the plane, the intersection is a point.



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