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Geometry for School and Home
Worksheets for Unit 1: Points, Lines, and Planes
Objectives: Identify and name points. Identify and name lines with lower case letters. Apply a postulate by placing points on lines. Apply a postulate by drawing lines determined by pairs of points. Identify and name lines with two capital letters.
Objectives: Identify sets of collinear points using given lines and given points on the lines. Determine if sets of points are collinear by drawing lines through given points. Name sets of collinear points among sets of points on lines and among sets of points with no lines drawn.
Objectives: Name planes using capital letters. Identify and name points that lie in planes. Draw planes determined by three points. Name planes using the names of three points in the plane. Identify and name coplanar points.
Objectives: Identify and name intersecting lines. Name intersections of lines. Name lines with given intersections. Identify and name concurrent lines
Objective: Use a ruler with a centimeter scale to measure the distance between two points to the nearest whole centimeter; to the nearest .5 centimeter; to the nearest .1 centimeter.
Objectives: Identify intersecting planes. Name and draw intersections of planes. Name and draw intersections of lines and planes.
Objectives: Name parallel lines. Identify as intersecting or parallel: a pair of lines, a pair of planes, a line and a plane. Identify and name parallel, intersecting, or skew lines.
Objectives: Plot points and draw lines in the coordinate plane. Identify points of intersection of lines in the coordinate plane. Determine if points in the coordinate plane are collinear.
Objectives: Count the rise and run to find the slope of a line. Identify lines with no slope. Calculate rise and run by subtracting x and y coordinates and write the slope. Find the slope of a line by substitution in the slope formula.
Objectives: Count units to find the distance between two points on a number line. Calculate the distance between two points on a number line. Find the coordinates of the two points at a given distance from a point on a number line.
Objective: Determine if two lines in the coordinate plane are parallel by finding and comparing their slopes.
Objective: Read a scale on a ruler to measure the distance between two points: to the nearest whole; to the nearest .5; to the nearest .1
Objectives: Name line segments and endpoints. Identify the lengths of line segments in figures.
Objectives: Calculate lengths of segments determined by sets of collinear points. Write and solve equations to find segment lengths determined by sets of collinear points.
Objectives: Identify and name the preimage and image in transformations of lines, line segments, and planes. Use a transformation function to find the coordinates of an image of a point, line, or line segment in the coordinate plane and draw the image.
Objectives: Identify and name congruent line segments using given lengths and marks. Name reflexive line segment congruences.
Using given congruent line segments, mark the line segments with congruence marks.
Objectives: Construct congruent line segments. Construct line segments with lengths that are a sum, difference, or multiple of given line segment lengths.
Objectives: Identify and name midpoints of line segments. Using given midpoints and bisectors, find lengths of line segments determined by the midpoints.
Objectives: Construct the midpoint of a line segment. Use the midpoint construction to draw lines that bisect a line segment.
Objectives: Construct line segments one-half and one-fourth the length of a given line segment. Construct midpoints of line segments that are sums or multiples of lengths of given segments.
Find coordinates and plot midpoints of line segments in the coordinate plane. Use the midpoint formula to calculate the coordinates of midpoints of line segments in the coordinate plane.
Objectives: Write coordinates of points and plot points on the coordinate plane. Plot pairs of points and draw lines through the points. Identify points of intersection of lines in the coordinate plane. Determine if three points in the coordinate plane are collinear.
Activity 1A - Measuring Distance
Assignment 1.3 - Intersecting Lines
Assignment 1.4 - Planes
Assignment 1.6 - Intersecting, Parallel, and Skew
Assignment 1.7 - Points and Lines on the Coordinate Plane
Assignment 1.8 - The Slope of a Line
Assignment 1.9 - Parallel Lines on the Coordinate Plane
Assignment 1.10 - Distance on a Number Line
Assignment 1.11 - Number Lines and Measurement
Assignment 1.12 - Line Segments
Assignment 1.13 - Addition and Subtraction of Line Segment Lengths
Assignment 1.14 - Transformational Geometry
Assignment 1.15 - Congruence of Line Segments
Assignment 1.16 - Midpoints and Bisectors of Line Segments
Activity 1B - Construction: Line Segments
Activity 1C - Construction: Midpoints
Activity 1D - Construction: Using Midpoints