where students teach themselves
A comprehensive geometry curriculum
Geometry for School and Home
For Teachers
Your Students Can Teach Themselves
Geometry for School and Home enables students to teach themselves. There is no assumption of prior knowledge of geometry content. There is no reliance on outside sources. All concepts are introduced and developed within the program.
Success in geometry depends on learning ordered sets of skills. Geometry for School and Home's unique approach (see What, Why, and How) allows students not only the opportunity to develop skills on their own, but to progress through the skills at their own pace.
In Geometry for School and Home, there are two kinds of worksheets: Assignments and Activities.
Assignments help students learn content. Each assignment has clearly stated objectives. Some assignments introduce new topics while others build on previous assignments. Students learn by working through the sequences of questions and problems in an assignment. Definitions, postulates, and theorems are included as they are needed. In learning theorems, each student experiences all stages of development from discovery using intuition and observation, to postulation and proof, to applications.
Activities introduce or extend the content in an assignment often using manipulative tools. An Activity may be prerequisite for other activities but is never prerequisite for an assignment.
Helping students with various abilities, backgrounds, and needs
The materials in Geometry for School and Home start at a basic level. Students who have not previously mastered some of the usual geometry prerequisites can learn them before proceeding to more advanced concepts. For example, the ability to measure (distance, lengths, angles, areas) is important for understanding geometric relationships. Students without sound measurement skills can miss a critical component of the development of postulates and theorems. Assignments that help students learn these skills are one of the many exceptional features of Geometry for School and Home.
Using Geometry for School and Home
Students should answer every question and never skip questions. There is usually no need to check answers. Reinforcement and repetition are part of the methodology. Assignments are designed to be done in order. However, since objectives are clearly stated, assignments can be selected based on the student's needs.
In the classroom...
The materials facilitate differentiated instruction, are ideal for small group work, and are particularly effective with students who have difficulty learning in a large group teaching environments.
Access to materials
Selected worksheets and activities can be previewed and downloaded directly from this website for free and may be printed, copied, and distributed.
All others are available with the purchase of a inexpensive membership. Membership provides access to all worksheets. For details, see the Membership page.
A suggestion...
Have your students try Geometry for School and Home. Simply select a free assignment. Download, print, make copies, and use the worksheets as you see fit.