where students teach themselves
A comprehensive geometry curriculum
Geometry for School and Home
Assignment 3.2 - Measurement of Polygons
Assignment 3.3 - Classifying Polygons
Assignment 3.4 - Regular Polygons: Central Angles
Activity 3A - Construction: Regular Polygons
Assignment 3.5 - Isometries of Polygons
Activity 3B - Geometric Transformations: Isometries of Polygons
Assignment 3.6 - Isometries of Polygons: Translations
Assignment 3.7 - Isometries of Polygons: Reflections
Activity 3C - Reflectional Symmetry
Assignment 3.9 - Isometries of Polygons: Rotations
Assignment 3.10 - Rotational Symmetry
Assignment 3.11 - Coordinate Geometry: Transformations of Polygons
Assignment 3.12 - Classifying Triangles: Congruent Sides
Activity 3D - Construction: Triangles
Assignment 3.13 - Classifying Triangles: Angles
Assignment 3.14 - Coordinate Geometry: Identifying Right Triangles
Assignment 3.15 - Medians of a Triangle
Activity 3E - Construction: Medians of Triangles
Assignment 3.16 - Altitudes of a Triangle
Assignment 3.19 - Classifying Quadrilaterals: Congruent Sides
Assignment 3.21 - Quadrilaterals: Most Descriptive Classification
Assignment 3.23 - Coordinate Geometry: Classifying Quadrilaterals
Objectives: Measure and identify measures of sides and angles of polygons Find perimeters of polygons. Use the given perimeter of a polygon in finding the lengths of its sides.
Objectives: Classify polygons as convex or concave; by the number of sides; as equilateral, equiangular, or regular.
Objectives: Given a preimage and image, identify transformations that are isometries. Given a preimage, the type of isometry, and two vertices of the image, draw the image.
Objective: Construct triangles using given sides and angles.
Objective: Determine if triangles in the coordinate plane are right triangles by finding and comparing the slopes of their sides.
Objectives: Identify and name the medians of a triangle. Given the midpoints of the sides of a triangle, draw the medians.
Objective: Construct medians of triangles.
Objectives: Identify and name the altitudes of a triangle. Given a triangle, draw and label the altitudes.
Objective: Construct altitudes of triangles.
Objective: Construct the circumcenter, incenter, and centroid of triangles.
Objectives: Name and identify the perpendicular bisectors of sides of a triangle. Name the circumcenter. Name and identify angle bisectors of a triangle. Name the incenter. Name and identify the medians of a triangle. Name the centroid.
Objectives: Classify quadrilaterals with congruent sides as rhombus, isosceles trapezoid, and kite.
Objective: Classify quadrilaterals with right angles as rectangles and squares.
Objective: Identify all classifications for a given quadrilateral and choose the one that is most descriptive.
Objectives: Name central angles of regular polygons. Calculate the measure of central angles of regular polygons. Calculate the number of sides in a regular polygon given its central angle measure.
Objective: Draw and label images in translations of polygons.
Objective: Draw and label images in reflections of polygons.
Objectives: Classify triangles by angles as acute, right, or obtuse. Name the right angles, acute angles, legs, and hypotenuses of right triangles.
Objectives: Classify triangles by congruent sides asequilateral, isosceles, or scalene. Name the base, legs, vertex, vertex angles, and base angles of isosceles triangles.
Objective: Use transformation functions to calculate coordinates to draw images of polygons in the coordinate plane. Classify transformation functions.
Objectives: Identify polygons with rotational symmetry. Calculate measures of rotations of regular polygons.
Objectives: Draw and label images of polygons in rotations. Measure rotations of polygons.
Objectives: Identify axes of symmetry in polygons. Draw axes of symmetry in polygons.
Objective: Draw lines of reflection in polygons.
Objectives: Identify isometries of polygons and classify as translations, reflections, or rotations. Label the vertices of images in isometries of polygons.
Objective: Construct regular polygons with 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 sides.
Objectives: Identify and name polygons. Name the vertices and sides of polygons. Draw, name, and count diagonals of polygons.
Activity 3F - Construction: Altitudes of Triangles
Objectives: Name parallel sides of quadrilaterals. Classify trapezoids and parallelograms by the number of pairs of parallel sides. Identify and name the bases and legs of trapezoids.
Assignment 3.20 - Classifying Quadrilaterals: Right Angles
Assignment 3.18 - Classifying Quadrilaterals: Parallel Sides
Objective: Classify quadrilaterals on the coordinate plane by finding and comparing the slopes of their sides.
Worksheets for Unit 3: Polygons
Assignment 3.22 - Classifying Quadrilaterals
Objectives: Classify quadrilaterals by the most descriptive classification. Draw given quadrilaterals and mark parallel or congruent sides and right angles to demonstrate their classification.