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where students teach themselves
A comprehensive geometry curriculum
Geometry for School and Home

Activity 3.8
Assignment 3.9
Assignment 6.3
Proportions in Triangles: Parallel Line Segments
Develop and apply a proportion theorem in triangles having a line segment with endpoints on two sides that is parallel to the third side..
Use the converse of the theorem to identify parallel line segments.
About Geometry Worksheet Assignment 6.3:
Assignment 6.3 is an introduction to proportion theorems resulting from a line segment intersecting two sides of a triangle.
Prerequisite Skills: Calculate cross-products (Assignment 6.2). Solve proportions (Assignment 6.2). Solve algebraic equations with one variable. Evaluate algebraic expressions.
Theorems: A line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides into segments with lengths that are proportional.
If a line divides two sides of a triangle into segments with proportional lengths, then the line is parallel to the third side of the triangle.
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